Panoramic Sunroof Leaking?


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Hi! I purchased my 2017 Alltrack CPO in may it went back to the dealership in June for the pano leak they said it was the drain tubes, it went back again last week for it leaking again but this time they are saying it leaking from the frame... I?ve seen on other groups mention of bad welds is this what they are referring to the frame itself? They are still looking into and will let me k is the next course of action kinda bummed I really love this car


New member
Hi! I purchased my 2017 Alltrack CPO in may it went back to the dealership in June for the pano leak they said it was the drain tubes, it went back again last week for it leaking again but this time they are saying it leaking from the frame... I?ve seen on other groups mention of bad welds is this what they are referring to the frame itself? They are still looking into and will let me k is the next course of action kinda bummed I really love this car
Pretty much. Apparently, there are bad spot-welds around the frame that holds the pano, or they are providing a gap for the water come in. There's been several reasons listed for the leaks including the blocked tubes, bad welds, and there are a few folks I've seen with no pano where water was getting in somehow. Make sure it's perfect before they give it back to you (no leaks, no stains, no BS). There's been a few buy-backs, but hopefully it won't get to that point for you. Good luck!
Hi All! My Alltrack had a leaking sunroof too. I bought it brand new and two month later I noticed sweat stains near the rear window. My dealership said the drain tubes were clogged and cleaned them. They ordered me a new headliner and had me return three weeks later to have it replaced. The new headliner doesnt quite line up as tight as it did from the factory. At this point though Im just trying to move on...


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2017 VW Golf Alltrack Wagon in shop 2 times for 9+ days each to fix leak

Leased my VW Golf Alltrack in December 2017.

Before I made my first payment, it was literally pouring water from the roof liner down the back windows when I pulled out of my driveway. Took it back to my dealer. The service person said they had a similar vehicle come into the shop and had to send it back to the factory to get it fixed - should take 4 weeks. My dealer sent it to the local collision repair center for work and work was done in 9 days.

Less than 6-months later it was back in the shop for the same leaking roof. This time it took 17 days.

This car has been in the shop for 26 days out of 217 - 12% of the time, or 1 day out of every 8!

I traveled Germany in our family VW Camper in the early 70's, learned to drive in a '74 Super Beetle, met my future wife in Scirocco, grew into a Jetta and sent my daughter to college in a diesel New Beetle. VW is my brand, and I am very disappointed by this experience. The VW I love seems to be gone. Definitely considering filing a lemon law on this one because I have no faith they have "fixed" this problem permanently. Only saving grace is that this is a lease.


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Ours has been in the shop now for 18 days now and they just started on the roof. I've got some other issues as well with the car so I'm thinking I won't see it for at least another 18 days. Like you, I'm sure we have a lemon and will get rid of this car as soon as we meet the legal requirements for the law.


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18 days at the dealership...sort of wonder what is going on with that, waiting on parts? I know of a dealer principle (owner of the dealership) that actually helps the customer file the lemon law because it doesn't cost him anything when the manufacturer has to buy back the vehicle.


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My leaking panoramic roof was diagnosed by VW warranty service with a bum weld that didn't allow a proper fit with the rubber widow seal rubber gasket. They removed the glass, ground down the faulty weld to spec, reinstalled the glass with new rubber seals. Also installed a new headliner to replace the water-stained one. I haven't been in the rain or even a car wash yet...
I feel for you. I'm heart broken over this issue. I bought a 2016 sport wagon that had a leaking pano roof. I returned it four times, then VW agreed to buy the car back. Instead of taking the money and buying something else, I thought it would be safe to try another car. I was drooling over the Alltrack! So I bought a 2017 alltrack SEL, gorgeous car. It had a pano roof leak in the first month. After four repairs, including the last repair which was to grind down the weld bumps, I found water stains again. I'm in the process of another buy back. I absolutely love this car, and I'm sick about the roof. I really want the SELtrim level, and the roof is amazing, but I can't risk another leak. What are chances that I would have two in a row? I was also told that they had fixed the leak problem in the new model, but they were wrong. Believe it or not, I'm actually tempted to try one more time, but I think my husband would murder me if I brought home another VW, and I have had 7!
...eventually, VW offered a buyback settlement of my Alltrack... I had a 2013 Golf TDI diesel bought back in the TDI mess and now the 2017 Alltrack... my wife still drives the 2016 Toareg, but I switched to a 2018 RAM 2500 diesel instead of a third VW Golf model...


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I'm a new 2018 VW Alltrack owner, only 1000Km on the car and less than a month old. I began having issues only a few days into owning the car with electrical problems, began to see warning lights with airbag, front assist, park assist, ESC, etc. The problems would only crop up after it rained or during a rainfall. After a couple trips to the dealership the service department started tracing some wiring and found them to be all wet with water coming down the frame.
After they took it all apart it was determined the panoramic sunroof was leaking due to a problem with a gap between the frame and the roof (I imagine the same scenario described in another post with a bad weld). They are now in the process of replacing the sunroof, headliner, wiring and ABS module. I don't have a lot of detail on this as I am new to VW and still trying to figure out how water got down the front side to even cause damage to all the wiring. Only thought I have is a park reversed into my driveway it's got quite the grade to it so in rain shower/storm the water would flow to the front not the rear for me (only a guess). I didn't see any water damage to the headliner but the service manager indicated that it was damp and I would have eventually seen it had it not come in with the electrical problems first. My dealership indicated that had never seen this before so I am hoping the 2 are related and fixed up as this is a brand new car, they are probably looking at 3 weeks worth of repairs to get this resolved.
So it looks like this is still an issue in the 2018 models, I saw it stated earlier that this would hopefully be resolved on the '18 model year but that looks like a hard no on this.
This will probably be my first and last VW, seems ridiculous to have this type of an issue on a car, I will say so far the dealership and service department have been good but time will tell.


New member
Sorry to hear you have this issue with such a new car. Regardless of where or how you park, no car should leak like these do. It is disheartening to hear that your 2018 has this problem as you'd like to think they would have remedied the issue. There are others that have endured the leaking sunroof here on this site and I recall that most have returned to the dealer with the same problem several times. Good luck on getting it fixed. As for my car, I'm doing a "Buy Back" given that I've got 4 significant problems. VW has offered a fair deal and I'm waiting for a finalized contract before we will happily be turning back the car and going to another manufacturer.


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Got my MY2017 Alltrack last year (built 2016, demo model), and didn't have any problems with it until the last couple months when I noticed that under the boot (trunk?) lining where the spare is kept that it was damp, thought nothing of it and figured I had left something in the boot that leaked down into there.
Then early last week we had a downpour of rain the night before taking it in for a seperate warranty issue (radio would play only static when rear window heater turned on??) and noticed that the spare wheel area was FILLED with water, at least 2 inches deep!
They've told me it has something to do with the panoramic roof, and they're replacing the roof lining etc. In the mean time they've lent me a Tiguan which my wife is loving.
11 days at the shop and counting...


New member
Got the car back after 60 days in the shop. Sunroof leak is fixed (for now) and they were able to fix the "Error Transmission" light that came on. That leaves the rear AC problem and the strut/bearing/control arm clunking noise unresolved. We have opted for VW to buy the car back and they have agreed. All that remains is to get the check/paperwork together, and send it to the local dealer before we can be done with this nightmare. We wanted so badly for this car to be a keeper but not with the issues this one has. I will say that once we committed to doing a buy-back, VWoA provided a fair deal much like if we had used the State lemon laws.


New member
After 6 weeks at the dealership I finally got my alltrack back, roof leak is fixed for now we?ll see what happens long term.
I will say the service department of my dealership has been great and kept me informed throughout, trying to get some form of compensation from the sales side for having my brand new car in for extensive repairs after only a few weeks on the road has been frustrating at best, hopefully they step up soon.


New member
Have a 2017 All Track SEL and Love it. I noticed leaking after a heavy rainstorm and while it was raining I took it to my dealer here in Maine. I have always had outstanding service from them. They immediately took it in. After about a 1/2 hour the an diagnosed the issue as the plug at the end of the gravity drain hose was not opening once there was water pressure in the tube. The service manager recommended to remove these "pressure plug" which I agreed. It has been 6 months now and not a single leak and the car is stored outside during the summer months.
Mine is leaking every time I drive in the rain now, affecting the electrical system.
I stopped by the dealership I bought it from, the service manager acknowledged that the repair will take some time and he will find me a loaner. However, I have not heard back from him again after several emails and phone calls, and it's been 3 weeks. Wonder if they are hoping I go somewhere else?

Doing more research I suggest everyone who has this problem to look at the website:
and post their issues. There are over a hundred owners listed with documented leaks, even brand new 2018 owners as well, beyond what the VW Technical Service Bulletin covers. Trying to determine how many Alltrack owners may be affected by this problem. I did research in how many Alltracks/Sportwagens were built in 2017 and 2018. About 15,000 in 2017 and about 8,000 for 2018, hard to tell how many have the Panoramic sunroof and how many people will report it or not bother. Just a guesstimate but there may be up to 10% defect rate. That seems huge to me.


New member
In October, I took it in to the dealership I bought my car from and talked to the Service Mgr. He was apologetic and said it would take same time to repair. He did not have any loaners, gave me his card and gave my name and number to the service writer to call me when a loaner comes and they can start on it. It has been 4 weeks lots of excuses (calling and emailing twice a week) but no loaner available at that dealership. I gave up and went to another bigger VW dealership, no loaners available there either when I mentioned the leak. They took my name and number, scheduled an appointment and no loaner when I showed up for the appointment. It has been a week. I stopped by at the end of the week and no loaner, they may have one later this week. Why is it so difficult to schedule a service and get a loaner?
My All track story:

Has had 3 roof leaks in the past 6 months (starting at about 20k miles). The first one dripped down my legs and I heard all kinds of popping form under the dash, and many of my check engine lights came on and the car ran funny. Took the car in, the dealership said it was clogged drain lines and everything was replaced under warranty - new headliner #1.

A month later, the sunroof leaked again, this time just enough to see water stains near column on driver side. Dropped the car off again, the dealership claimed there was kink in the line and installed headliner #2. Now the car began to smell like mold.

I filed my first VGA claim at this point. VGA says I'm outside of the window for a lemon law claim in my home state of Kentucky, so they could only offer me a $3600 cash settlement and a promise it would not happen again. I took the money.

A month later, I get a flat tire. I open the boot to grab the donut and have about an inch of water in my trunk and what appear to be some kind of fungus growing in the boot (under the cover). The vehicle has been in the shop for another week at this point. I filed a NEW claim with VGA. They called today and said that my car had bad welds and is being repaired under warranty, including new headliner #3.

I am waiting "10-14 business days" for VGA to review my Buy Back request. Fingers crossed they make this right.

I bought this car in 2016 when I sold back my TDI I bought BRAND NEW in 2015. I thought the Alltrack was the perfect apology car…. oh boy….


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My 2017 Alltrack SE, purchased new in March 2017, with now just over 20k miles, is leaking with water stains on the rear of the headliner. It is at the dealer now and they're telling me that the $1085 to fix it is not covered under warranty since it is related to the drain tubes and was caused by "outside influence." I am currently waiting for VW Customer Care to call me back.



New member
Should I keep repairing or try lemon law??

Hello - we purchased a new 2017 Alltrack in California. Since we have a drought it did not rain for a couple l months after getting the car - when it finally did the pano sunroof leaked like many have posted here in the front of the car, around the A pillars and in the back headliner. Initially the dealer said it was just the drains (in a brand new car!), fixed and sent back - leaked again; they changed headliner was in shops for weeks, and then leaked again; A third and fourth time in they said they just got the recall for the model for the bad welds and redid the seal and grinded the welds again, replaced headliner again. Then we had no rains again for 6 months. Then two weeks ago after our first set of big rains - it leaked in the rear door hatch and in the headliner. I have just dropped it back at the dealer for repair - they are surprised and do not believe it is leaking again due to the pano problem as they said they "fixed" it. But reading other posts here, it seems that leaks even in the back hatch (and even in the spare tire area which I unfortunately did not check when I dropped off the car) and seems certainly related to the manufac defect.

With all the issues in electrical and continuing water I am debating if we should battle the VW corp for buyback or lemon law - the car is a year since purchase, but less 10K and has been in shop months. It just doesn't rain here enough to see how bad the situation was.
Of course, like everyone here we love the car, love the SEL package etc.

Is there any hope of buyback and does anyone know if the NEW alltracks also leak??
Is there any hope of buyback and does anyone know if the NEW alltracks also leak??
Yes the 2018 model year Alltracks with the Pano roof also leak based on comments from: vw alltrack facebook page, and the VWVortex websites.
There are many people complaining about various leaks from the roof. Hopefully VW will acknowledge the problem and will find a fix.

NOTE: in our Maintenance Booklet there is a Service cleaning item of the Pano-roof drain tubes at year 4. If you keep this car that long you may want to clean the drain tubes more frequently. First time I've ever seen a drain tube cleaning as I have been driving cars with sunroofs since the 80's never ever cleaned any drain tubes and never had any problem except in this VW, and I keep my cars for at least 10 years.
