Welcome to the VW Golf Alltrack Forum, please post an introduction

Hey from Maryland. Recently bought the Alltrack after months of research. I was debating between a Subaru and the Alltrack, but I think the Alltrack has more bang for the buck. This is my second VW. I also own a 2012 Tiguan. I'm here to seek knowledge. Thanks


New member
Hi from Australia. Bought my MY2017 Alltrack last year (only came in 1 trim at the time, would be equivalent to the "premium" model today) and 'mostly' loving it
I know it's corny but I actually do say to a stranger, G'day mate! I'm in Canberra, Australia's national capital. My Golf Alltrack is only a couple of months old... I don't like my Alltrack, I LOVE it!
However I would like to install some LED spotlights in front of the upper grille.
Hi Saleen. My last two cars were a Suburu Outback and after that a Golf wagon (estate I think you call it). Anyway I reckon the Golf Alltrack has the best of both. Cheers from Down Under. Jason


New member
New member, bought the car two days ago - a 2018 manual, in Canada. Was used, as it had been returned by a Tdi buyback customer who decided he didn't want a standard shift, after all. 1830ks on clock when we took possession. Traded in a beloved 2015 Golf sportswagon Tdi under buyback. I loved that car, and had a great first trip in it, days after purchase, in September 2015 to Newfoundland. Was in Gros Morne National Park when I heard the news about the emissions scam. Kept the Tdi for another 100,000 clicks, and turned it in with a slightly broken heart this past Monday, showing 15 kilometres range on the computer. Planned to keep it for a decade at least, but it was out of warranties due to mileage, and I just thought I was one major repair away from regretting leaving $22k on the table. So a new chapter begins. The Alltrack is beautiful, and here's hoping it's at least 4/5ths f the car the Tdi was. Look forward to reading aboutother drivers' experience with the vehicle. Thanks


New member
You could try going to customize road mode and change steering only to sport. I did that today, and the steering response feels more like my 2015 Sportswagon - more connected to road, and not as light.


New member
Just bought my 2nd new car 2017 VW Golf Alltrack SEL Silver I got it for a pretty good price $8250 off list. Only have a little over 1000mi on it. I've owned VW's and Audi since about 1974. My last car 1999.5 Mk4 Jetta GLS I've owned it for 15yrs time for a change it's been a great car but at 265kmi it was time.
A reminder for oil change has been displaying the last few days says something like 29 days til oil change. Not sure what that's about as it has so few miles on it. Probably oil change after break in period (I'm assuming).
There's probably something in owners manual about it but at 432 pages it's quite a lot to consume and the way it's written it's got me turning pages back and forth very daunting to say the least. I still don't know all the features yet.haha
I'm kind of disappointed in the feel of it, the steering feels vague and the suspension too. I'm coming from a car that has H&R springs and Koni yellow shocks which handles very nice and tight.
It seems the newer cars (this car) have mostly let electronics taken over electric assisted power steering witch I'm sure is the reason for the vague steering feel it's just something I'll have to get used to (and I am) but it's a far cry from feeling connected like my Jetta.
Overall I really like the Alltrack and glad I bought it (no regrets) I can't wait for purpose built shocks/springs for this car everything I've seen people doing is using springs and shocks meant for GTI's?Golf R's or some other variant of the Golf but nothing so far MADE for the Alltrack...I hope that changes.
My dream would be a coil over type system that would go from zero lowering to 2.5" that way car could sit low for summer and raised for winter.
Anyway...hi to everyone!
Replying to this quote. Sorry for confusion on using the forum ... Pleading first reponse


New member
Hello from Vermont

I ordered my Alltrack in July because I wanted a 6mt in white and couldn?t find one. I picked it up Thursday night, which was a month earlier than expected. It had 10 miles on it when I drove off the lot and only has 258 now, so I have to get out and drive it!

I had a 2016 Golf Sportwagen that I traded in. Before that I had two Golfs and, the first car I ever bought, a 1989 Fox.


New member
Hi! I love my first VW, a 2017 Alltrack SEL in Silk Blue Metallic with Marrakesh Brown interior. Honestly, it's the best car I've ever had and I love driving it- although i still haven't hit the 10K mark. Bought it new in April of 2017, when, before I went to the Subaru dealer, my son insisted that we stop at the VW dealer- never made it any further.


New member
Greetings from TN. Just pulled the trigger on an impulse purchase today for a new 2017 Alltrack SE in which we received a $5K discount from VWOA plus another $1K discount from the dealership. My wife recently retired and wanted something more parking lot friendly than her Volvo R AWD wagon which has a turning radius to rival most semi's. As you can see from my sig, we have owned and loved many VW's over the years and I'm sure this one will be added to the list in time. As the owner of a European repair shop that specializes in VW & Audi's, with VW factory tech's that go back to the air cooled era, I would strongly suggest to every late model VW owner to ignore VW's recommended oil change interval and change your oil every 5K miles. Practically every engine issue we deal with daily on late model VW's can be traced to extended oil drain intervals. 10K intervals work well in Europe where the have the benefit of cleaner fuel (and no ethanol) and typically use high quality long life synthetic (expensive) motor oils. I suggest owners spend a few minutes researching approved oils and always use a VW oem filter, end of rant. Nevertheless, looking forward to participating in the Alltrack owners group. Eddie


New member
G'day from Australia. Our red '17 Alltrack is nearly two years old now, but I just joined the forum (looking for solutions to squeaky suspension!). We started in the Old Days, with a '62 Beetle, then a '73 Kombi which we drove around Europe for a year, then a '63 Beetle tricked up with a type 3 rear end, Bilsteins and rebuilt motor and resprayed Massey Ferguson red (Porsche Guards red, but heaps cheaper) which we drove for 10 years. Then we left the fold for a while as 3 kids required a bigger car. Now we have an '04 Bora/Jetta V6 4mo and the Alltrack, and the extended family stable includes an '05 V5 Bora, a 2016 Wolfsburg R Golf wagon, and a 2015 Skoda Octavia wagon. Overseas we have driven 2 Passat wagons, a Golf and a Polo, for several weeks at a time. I guess you could say we are a Volkswagen family. Any problems with our Alltrack? My main gripe is that in DSG (the only choice on this model in Oz) it is so easy to drive, you could practically let it do the lot itself! Mostly this is a good thing, but on a twisty road I still love the manual Bora. Oh, and the suspension squeaks, which I will keep pushing to be fixed, but otherwise the car is pretty well faultless. I do wonder if we will get more squeaks and groans if we do a bit more serious 4wd work though, I guess we'll find out. Anyway, nice to join the forum.


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United States
What I Drive
2019 Alltrack
Hi! Have had my 2017 for 17 months and Love the way it handles, compatible with my outdoor lifestyle and it's just all around fun to own........
The leaky roof is finally fixed and I have been tolerant with their lack of enthusiasm with meeting my expectations. I just picked it up from the shop and one of my problems didn't get fixed. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing a clicking sound coming from the dash on the passenger side. With and without AC, in park, reverse and drive. Engine cold and warm. It's a succession on knocks lasting less than a minute. So far it's not registering on the computer. Any ideas?
Hi! Have had my 2017 for 17 months and Love the way it handles, compatible with my outdoor lifestyle and it's just all around fun to own........
The leaky roof is finally fixed and I have been tolerant with their lack of enthusiasm with meeting my expectations. I just picked it up from the shop and one of my problems didn't get fixed. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing a clicking sound coming from the dash on the passenger side. With and without AC, in park, reverse and drive. Engine cold and warm. It's a succession on knocks lasting less than a minute. So far it's not registering on the computer. Any ideas?
I get that engine knock too, I thought it was normal


Staff Team
Thread Starter #79
It started a month ago and is getting more frequent. I can feel the hit when I put my hand on the dash above the glove box.
Probably should schedule an appointment at the dealer to look at it. Any knocking is not good.


New member
United States
What I Drive
2019 Alltrack
Probably should schedule an appointment at the dealer to look at it. Any knocking is not good.
They were not able to diagnose because it's intermittent and didn't activate a computer response. I have scheduled another appt and recorded the sound for them to listen to when I drop it. State of FL requires the owner of a vehicle to allow dealerships three chances to fix a problem before the lemon law can be applied. Took 4 for the roof leak. We'll see.....

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